Thursday, December 26, 2013

UA Veterans Conversation Circle

by Melanie Circle Brown

John Kaufman and Walter Betley share memories of their World War II service.

Upper Arlington veterans gathered on Veterans Day to share memories of their military service.  Their memories were recorded as part of an oral history-gathering effort of the Upper Arlington Historical Society.  The Conversation Circle was hosted by the Historical Society, Circle of Life Histories, and the South of Lane Cafe in the Mallway at 1987 Guilford Road.  Sharing their memories at the Conversation Circle were:

Wendell W. Ellenwood - U.S. Third Army under General Patton
Robert Ellis - Served on the Mercy Hospital Ship in the Philippines during WWII
John Kaufman - A member of the Signal Corps in the Pacific Theatre Army
Walter Betley - Colonel Corps of Engineers in WWII, Korea and Viet Nam
Nelson French - A West Point graduate, he served in WWII on the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (Atomic Bomb)
Rupert D. Starr - A Lieutenant in the Army, he was in the Battle of the Bulge and a POW

Nelson French
Robert Ellis with a photo of the Mercy Ship Hospital

Rupert D. Starr
Wendell Ellenwood shares photos with Catherine Vonderahe, owner of  South of Lane Cafe
Kate Kallmes of the Upper Arlington Historical Society gives a presentation about the history of the Upper Arlington Mallway  to the Conversation Circle.
Nelson French, Wendell Ellenwood, John Kaufman and Walter Betley listen as Rupert Starr shares memories of his WWII service.

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